蘆筍蝦仁 Sautéed Shrimp with Asparagus

材料 Ingredients
蝦仁 Shelled shrimp 2/3 磅 lb (300g)
蘆筍 Asparagus12 根 each
油 Cooking oil2+1 大匙 tbs
基本醃料(淡) Light basic marinade 1/2 份 portion
清炒醬汁 Light sauté sauce 1 份 portion

2.蘆筍洗乾淨後削去底部較老的皮。將蘆筍斜切成 5cm 小段。
5.鍋燒熱後加入2 大匙油。放進蝦仁用大火炒到蝦仁開始變白。盛出蝦仁放在一旁。
6.原鍋內燒熱 1 大匙油。加入蘆筍快炒 1 分鐘。

1.Wash and devine the shrimps. Make sure that all the mucus on the shrimps are gone. Thoroughly dry them with paper towels.
2.Wash the asparagus and peel off the tough skin of the bottom. Diagonally cut them into 2" segments.
3.Prepare the Light Sauté Sauce.
4. Marinate the shrimps in a fridge with Light Basic Marinade for 15 minutes.
5.Add 2 tbs. of oil in a heated wok. Add the Shrimps and sauté in high heat until they start to turn white. Set the shrimps aside.
6.Heat 1 tbs. of oil in the same wok. Stir in the asparagus and sauté for 1 minute.
7.Add the Light Sauté Sauce and sauté until the sauce is thick.

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2013
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